What’s a Believer: walking by Faith

Hi family and friends!

For our first devotional, we’re exploring what it means to believe in Christ Jesus. In John 14, as he’s making his way to the cross to be crucified for the atonement of our sins, Jesus says, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me.” So, what does it mean to believe and be a believer?

He continued in John 14 by defining who he is: “I am the way and the truth and the life.” What does he mean by this? Today, let’s start with the way…

The way in Hebrew is the word hodos which means a journey or road/highway. Jesus tells us in Matthew to “enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” And when we find it, it being the eternal life in the kingdom of heaven through loving God with all of our hearts, minds, souls, and might and focused on “things which are above, where Christ is,” Jesus says it’s like a treasure in a field that we would sell all we have to possess.

Therefore, to believe in Jesus as “the way” is to set out on the narrow path of walking by faith instead of wandering as a nomad. The word for faith is pistos which means to be persuaded or believe in something. It is putting our trust, confidence, and reliance in Christ so he may dwell or abide with us forever.

A nomad is someone who has no permanent dwelling place. They wander around with no purpose, direction, or sense of who they are, where they’re going, and what they’re supposed to be doing. We all may know someone who fits the bill, or you may be that person, living life as if nothing matters or with no intention. All along, there’s this light inside of you wanting to shine from a place Jesus said he’s prepared for us to dwell with him and the Father.

See, we uncover how to walk faithfully when we recognize our why, our how, and our what: the why, our purpose for being here; the how, our assignments to fulfill the purpose; and the what, the fruits of achieving our assignments.

The purpose

Our purpose gives us meaning and fulfillment in life. Without it, we’re aimless with no direction or destination for our lives. The light that lives in us is our purpose. It’s in us. We were created with it. No one can stop us from fulfilling it. It is why we do what we do. As believers in Christ, our purpose, however, isn’t necessarily ours or unique as the world may have us think. Romans 8:28 says that “all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to His purpose.” And that purpose, Paul says in the next verse, is to “be conformed to the image of His son.”

Each day, when we live by faith, we become more like Christ who took “the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.” Therefore, our purpose as believers is to lovingly serve others like Christ “for we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Jesus said when we believe in Him, we will do the work he has done and “will do even greater things than these.” How we do that is based on our individual assignments…

The Assignment

Those walking by faith know and choose to be committed to their assignment on this earthly journey. It’s literally in the name “FAITHFUL.”We all have designated assignments from God predestined before the creation of the world based on our gifts. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 12 that “there are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.”

Herein, he explains how we all are given unique gifts that were given and are guided by the triune God. Our Lord God predestined and placed these gifts within us before we were even born to be a “manifestation of the Spirit” meant to serve the “common good,” meaning for the good of the community. Our mission is to use the gifts God gave us to build up the kingdom of heaven in service to God’s people, as Jesus Christ did. Love is a choice and expression, and we show that love to God through how we use our time, talents, and treasurers to serve others. Jesus said people will know we are his followers by how we love each other. Remember, for those who love God and are called according to God’s purpose “all things work together for good.” Good is the outcome or the fruit of fulfilling our assignments.

The fruit

Our fruit comes from what’s within our hearts. The heart is our internal garden, the center of our emotions, thoughts, will, and character. Until we sow seeds in good soil by sowing the Word of God in our hearts, which is Jesus Christ, we will continue to produce bad fruit. Jesus says in Matthew 7 that a tree will produce the fruit of its kind, good or bad. And, “just as you can identify a tree by its fruit, so you can identify people by their actions.”Our hearts will influence our words, and our words will influence our behaviors or actions - “from the heart, the mouth speaks” and will produce either good or evil from what’s stored within it.

God gave us the freewill or the ability and autonomy to choose. The mind focused on the flesh rooted in sin, going in the wrong direction, will lead to death (bad fruit), but the mind on the Spirit will lead to life and peace (good fruit). So, if you’re apathetic and wandering like a nomad without a home, it’s likely because your heart is not dwelling in God’s Word and your desires are on things outside of God’s will. But when we “take delight in the Lord” by beholding and believing God’s word, God will give us the desires of our hearts. As Jesus tells us in John 15, he chose you so “that you might go and bear fruit — fruit that will last.” All we have to do is ask in his name and the Father will grant it to us so we may be joyfully satisfied.

So, what do you choose: to wander nomadically, aimlessly, and in the wrong direction with no real destination or purpose? Or are you going to walk faithfully, choosing to stay committed to living in God’s purpose and predestination? Living in God’s purpose by fulfilling the assignment we’re called to will always produce good fruit. The choice is yours!